Better Results w/ Video Pitches Decks!
By Benson Fischer
Trying To Raise Funding?
Video pitch decks are the most effective and economical way to get in front of a lot of prospective investors to deliver the perfect presentation. Best of all, every single word can be crafted to be extremely effective and deliver the entire presentation in a powerful format that will answer all the questions typically asked at the end of every real estate investor presentation.

Think about this; we all have made live presentations and afterward thought to ourselves, gee whizz, I should have said this or that or answered some of the questions differently. You won’t have that problem with video because the scrip can be tweaked 100 times before the cameras are turned on. If the presenter is not a great speaker, utilize teleprompters, and once the editing is completed, “Stuttering John” will sound as smooth as silk!
Keep your Video presentation under 5-minutes and front load all the important information. Some presenters break down the subject matter into several short videos to keep people’s attention along with creating video bios for the principles along with testimonials from other investors in other deals that you got funded.
Research has revealed that people will form an intellectual and emotional connection with the video presenter. In addition, people watching a video will retain 90% of the information contained in the video while only 10% of the same information is retained when reading text.
Let’s play out this scenario. Your 10 to 12-page printed deck or PowerPoint is ready and you’re just about to start reaching out. What does conventional wisdom say that you should send? A three-paragraph overview, four bullet points outlining the problem, and three bullet points on how you solve it and why you’re the best. You went through all that work … but who is going to read it? A junior person or an investor administrative assistant?

Even if you do end up with a face-to-face meeting, odds are that your pitch deck didn’t even get read. The biggest lie in venture capital is: “Yes, I read through your pitch deck.” Because those words are immediately followed by, “ … but why don’t you run us through it from the beginning?”
At that point, it’s safe to assume that no one has actually taken the time to read through what you sent, the junior guy thought it would be an interesting meeting considering the fund’s current themes of interest, and no one objected to taking the meeting. But no one has really taken the time to read through your pitch deck.
Even if the only benefit was that other investors heard the story direct from the founder, that alone would make your video pitch worth it.
According to DocSend, the average pitch deck review time over the last 20 weeks is about 3 minutes Let’s break down how much time you’ll be given for a 12-page deck (a very concise deck):
- Cover — 5 seconds.
- Back cover — 5 seconds.
- All the rest — 2:50.
That also includes time for that critical-to-understand diagram that illustrates and distills your unique system or view of the world. Do you think 25 seconds is long enough to fully comprehend that diagram and connect the dots with your value prop? Not likely.
What should you do about it?

Don’t send cold printed or PowerPoint decks, ever. Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban, and Tony Robbins don’t. Instead, you should be video pitching — this is a video walkthrough of your deck, with your face in a camera bubble talking through it and giving added color in a video no longer than 5-minutes. Your objective for this video: Get in, provide a basis of understanding, and get out with a punchy CTA. Nothing flashy, nothing fancy.
More investors are embracing video pitches (prime example: Ashton Kutcher’s Sound Ventures), and in the age of the Zoom-based pitch meeting, it’s quickly becoming the standard.
The rapid but notable shift is because, in video pitching, founders get to showcase the preparedness, commitment, and passion investors are looking for, all while telling their story. None of that is effectively transmitted in a cold pitch deck. Further, video allows you to create a deeper connection even before a meeting ever takes place. In a sense, it allows you and the investor to skip a step in the relationship-building process.
Why do you have to do video pitches? Because Cold decks get blown out of the water when compared with the benefits of the video pitch:
- You can connect the dots in an easy-to-digest manner. Instead of simply reading the slides, you’re adding context as you go through them. Basically, you’re doing investors a favor by doing the mental heavy lifting for them.
- Video allows you to control the interaction. It’s a recorded video, so you get to pitch with the added benefit of not getting interrupted.
- People might not give three minutes to skim a PDF, but they will watch a six-and-a-half-minute high-relevance video!
- If they like what they see, it’s a click away from other investors seeing and hearing your pitch.
- The odds of getting the attention of investors are 100% better when using a video pitch.
- You can pitch a ton of investors by video, but a face-to-face meeting takes forever to set up and you always end up with a junior VC with no decision-making ability.
Don’t Cut Corners, Hire A Qualified Video Production Company
Anyone with an iPhone can make a video for next to nothing. However, that is not what you are paying for. You are paying for results and a return on your investment! A qualified video production company knows how to write an engaging and compelling script that will deliver a return on investment and fantastic results. Finding a video production company that provides the ability to write a great script, obtain experienced talent, shoot, edit, add a soundtrack, and add all the bells and whistles to your video is well worth the money.
Don’t cut corners, engage a video production company that has the experience, references, and a track record of success, like ZivZo (
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